Building this web-page ---------------------- Check out the source from $ git clone $ cd cmr Make sure you have up to date * :ref:`ASE ` * ASR_ * Sphinx_ installations (``python3 -m pip install -U ase asr sphinx``). Then do:: $ cd docs/ $ make This will download the database files and run Python scripts to create images and other stuff needed for the webpages (.svg and .csv files). This will take a couple of minutes the first time you do this. After that, Sphinx_ will build the html-files. .. _Sphinx: .. _ASR: Testing ------- Run the tests with ``pytest``. This will download a test database file and run some tests. The test database (:download:`cmr.db`) contains one row from each of the project databases. Modifying the pages ------------------- Edit the ReST and Python files (.rst and .py files) and then run ``make`` again and check the results:: $ make $ make browse When things are OK, you can ``git commit`` the updated files and the ** webpage will be updated automatically (happens once a day).