.. _compression: Benchmark: compression energies of bulk fcc and rocksalt ======================================================== Reference FHI-AIMS tight basis relativistic atomic_zora scalar equilibrium volumes compressed/expanded in the range 60% - 150% of the lattice constant. * :download:`Download raw data for all codes ` * `Browse data `_ .. contents:: Key-value pairs --------------- =============== ============================================================= key description =============== ============================================================= name Name of the system relativistic Non-relativistic and scalar-relativistic results included project Name of the project: "compression" structure fcc or rocksalt =============== ============================================================= Note that there are additional keys not explained above which are specific to the given calculator. Results ------- First extract the data of the given code and insert it into a new database file. Then use the extract.py and energies.py scripts to write the csv formatted file using the data from the new database file. .. literalinclude:: extract.sh The third step consists of eliminating all systems that show large scatter of results from the set. Use the https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/cmr2/trunk/compression/eliminate.sh script. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to obtain reliable results from all-electron codes. The results can be plotted e.g. with https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/cmr2/trunk/compression/plot.py Running the calculations again ------------------------------ Selected scripts used to obtain the results are available at https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/cmr2/trunk/compression