.. _server: .. highlight:: bash ======================= Setting up a web-server ======================= The CMR web-pages ================= Use the ``python3 -m cmr.cli build-web-page`` command. This will create a new compressed tar-file ``cmr-web-page.tar.gz``. The tar-file contains static HTML and can be copied to a web-server and unpacked there. The CMR database server ======================= The following should be done as the ``cmr`` user on the machine running the PostgreSQL server (``fysik-cmr01``). Get the code:: $ cd $ git clone https://gitlab.com/ase/ase.git $ git clone https://gitlab.com/asr-dev/asr.git $ git clone https://gitlab.com/camd/cmr.git and install it:: $ python3 -m pip install -e ase/ --user $ python3 -m pip install -e asr/ --user $ python3 -m pip install -e cmr/ --user Create these folders:: $ mkdir data uwsgi Install ``psycopg2`` and ``uwsgi``:: $ python3 -m pip install --user psycopg2-binary uwsgi Create a secret password and add the following to ``~/.bash_profile``:: export CMR_URL=postgresql://ase:password@localhost:5432 export CMR_TMPDIR=~/uwsgi/static/ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin Log in as the ``postgres`` user and run the ``psql`` command (or do ``sudo -u postgres psql``). Create the ``ase`` user and the databases:: $ psql postgres=# create user ase login password 'password'; postgres=# create database c2db; postgres=# create database oqmd12; ... ... See the ``~/cmr/cmrconf.py`` script for how to do this for all the databases. .. note:: You may also need to edit ``/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf``:: host all all password host all all ::1/128 password and restart postgres. From Niflheim, copy all the SQLite database files and static files (stored in ``/home/camd/jensj/CMR-backup/``) to the PostgreSQL server:: $ scp *.db *.tar.gz cmr@fysik-cmr01:data/ On the PostgreSQL server, insert the SQLite databases into the PostgreSQL database:: $ cd data $ ase -T db c2db.db -i postgresql://ase:password@localhost:5432/c2db ... ... Again, see the ``~/cmr/cmrconf.py`` script for how to automate this. Start creating the static files:: $ python3 -m cmr.robot ... ... Install the ``jsmol`` code:: $ cd $ tar -xf data/jsmol.tar.gz $ cd ase/ase/db/static $ ln -s ~/jsmol Add this line to ``crontab``:: PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/cmr/.local/bin CMR_URL=postgresql://ase:cmr3000@localhost:5432 CMR_TMPDIR=/home/cmr/uwsgi/static/ MPLBACKEND=agg UWSGI="uwsgi /home/cmr/cmr/uwsgi.ini --daemonize=/home/cmr/uwsgi/uwsgi.log --buffer-size=32768" @reboot . ~/.bashrc && $UWSGI && wget localhost:8000 and reboot. Checking that things are OK --------------------------- Check that things are OK with something like this in a crontab:: def check_cmr_db(): print('checking CMR database') with urlopen('https://cmrdb.fysik.dtu.dk/catapp/json/6') as fd: json = fd.read().decode() atoms = ase.db.connect(io.StringIO(json), 'json').get_atoms() formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula() assert formula == 'Ag3Hg' Updating the databases ---------------------- As the ``postgres`` user, drop and create the database:: $ psql postgres=# drop database c2db; postgres=# create database c2db; Insert new data:: $ cd ~/data $ ase -T db c2db.db -i postgresql://ase:password@localhost:5432/c2db and create new static files:: $ cd ~/uwsgi $ rm static/c2db/* $ python3 -m cmr.robot Update ASE and CMR code:: $ cd ~/ase $ git pull $ cd ~/asr $ git pull $ cd ~/cmr $ git pull Then restart:: $ killall uwsgi $ uwsgi ~/cmr/uwsgi.ini --daemonize=$HOME/uwsgi/uwsgi.log $ wget localhost:8000 More information ---------------- https://intra4.fysik.dtu.dk/it/PostgreSQL-databases