.. _tmfp06d: Benchmark: the performance of semilocal and hybrid density functionals in 3d transition-metal chemistry ======================================================================================================= Reproducing selected results from https://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2162161 using different codes. * :download:`Download raw data for all codes ` * `Browse data `_ .. contents:: Key-value pairs --------------- =============== ============================================================= key description =============== ============================================================= name Name of the system relativistic 0 or 1 project Name of the project: "tmfp06d" xc Exchange-correlation functional =============== ============================================================= Note that there are additional keys not explained above which are specific to the given calculator. Results ------- First extract the data of the given code and insert it into a new database file. Then use the extract.py script to write the csv formatted file using the data from the new database file. .. literalinclude:: extract.sh The systems in this work (many of TM atoms, and TM diatomics) should not be really treated with GGA DFT due to various reasons (see for example http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2723118 or https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct2006852). These problems often translate into convergence problems in DFT codes or large scatter of the obtained results. The third step consists of eliminating all systems that show large scatter of results from the set. .. literalinclude:: eliminate.sh The results can be plotted e.g. with https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/cmr2/trunk/tmfp06d/plot.py Running the calculations again ------------------------------ Selected scripts used to obtain the results are available at https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/cmr2/trunk/tmfp06d